Friday, September 14, 2007

Update on Jonathan's second head injury of the week

I must sound like such an awful parent when this is being read. But any who. I took Jonathan to see the doc this morning and she checked his wound, it looks fine. While I was there I was telling her that I had been up since 2 am with Jonathan because he kept telling me that he was going to pro-up (throw-up). When I told her this she said that was a telltale sign that he suffered a mild concussion this week with his 2 head injuries. She told me to keep an eye on him to try to help him not fall again. I laughed and said that the first fall was because he tried to walk to the bathroom with his eyes closed and tripped. The second fall was because I asked him to stop running on the rocks and when he did stop he slid on some sand and up went the legs. So we stayed in this afternoon and laid low. Well as low as possible. I am watching Katie and Brian's kids for today, all of next week and the following Monday. Can you say CRAZY!!!! 2 - 5 year olds, a 3 year old and an 18 month old......It is the 5 year olds that will do me in.

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