Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Week of new residents

This week we have had a new addition to the family and one unwanted guest. Our new kitten has been here a week and the animals seem to be getting along. Kitty has stopped hissing at Molly when she goes near him and Suki only growls at her when she is trying to take over his spot on the couch next to Daddy. As for the unwanted guest. We are not sure who he or she is. But we do know that they have no concept of location. They have chosen to burrow a hole under our leaching field. They have not shown face around but here is their new -TEMPORARY - home.

Our trip to see my dad and the kids!

Some outdoor fun in the sun! Me and the kids headed out to Worcester yesterday for a visit with my dad, Judi and the kids. It is funny to see my boys play with there 3 year old aunt. Jayme and Jonathan were born 6 weeks apart, she is older but it is still crazy. We got there and the kids went right out back to play in the pool with Jayme. Jonathan points out Dad's new scoop - bobcat - and Jayme says "that's my daddy's" and I said "he is my daddy too you know" and she responds with " oh no he not!". We chuckled about that for a while. Christopher and Jayme were little water bugs. They were shivering and still going for more. Renee and Mary joined in on the fun too and brought out a sprinkler. Christopher, Jayme and Jonathan all decided to come in for a rest. They agreed to watch Carebears Movie together - eh hem, what a surprise.... After dinner we had a cake for dessert...Seems like we need to have a cake for the next few months too. We tried to sing for the birthday(s) that fall between visits. If you notice in the pictures Jayme had 3 bathing suit changes during the visit.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

We have a new baby!

She doesn't have a name yet. But we have a new 6 week old kitten added to the family! Christopher has decided that the new kittens name is Molly - Just like one of his trains!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Look what I did!

I got inked!!! It is purple beads with white highlights. You can't see the white, but it is definitely there, I felt every stroke!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dad and Jonathan enjoying a snack

Dad made himself some dinner. Steak and Onion Rings. Jonathan saw the petchup (ketchup) on the table and went to take a look. Boy does he like anything with petchup on it. He dunks and licks the petchup off the onion ring. Taking a nibble here and there.