Thursday, August 28, 2008

Boys are getting ready for school

Each had a meet and greet. Today was Jonathan and yesterday was Christopher's. Christopher and I are still in a heated debate about whether or not he gets to ride the bus with the big kids to the big school. The way I see it is I have to drive Jonathan to school so why not drive both of them. I will keep you posted of how the debate ends.

Movies from Charmingfare Farm

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Down on Charmingfare farm

We took this kids yesterday morning to the farm. We got up and out the house by 10am, crazy - I know.

Christopher did it again

He got his arm stuck this time in the dining room chair!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bunny Rabbit

Passed on this weekend. Good bye bunny

Thursday, August 14, 2008

We have a house guest

He is 85 pounds, drools a lot and is not of the human variety. This is Duncan Daggett - His family is traveling for the next week or so and he needed a place to crash and well we say no to no one no matter race, creed or breed, LOL Guess who is none too happy about that!?!

Our trip to the Dentist

Today was our first trip to the dentist for both Christopher and Jonathan. 20 perfect teeth per child. No cavities and good brushing habits noticed. Before Afterwards we went out to breakfast. The kids got Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes and mommy got french toast.

Jonathan on the Banana Phone

Jonathan was missing his Nana this week so he tried to give her a call on his banana phone.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Jonathan's week long birthday celebration

So Jonathan's birthday was the 20th of July and we did a few things. We were supposed to go to Worcester to celebrate with Dad, Judi and the kids. Well we all were not feeling well. Melissa just got home from having gall bladder surgery, Judi had kidney stones removed (yikes, don't ever ask how they do that!), Dad was under the weather and Jonathan had just gotten over a stomach bug. So we decided to postpone that shindig. We were going to take all the kids - Mary, Renee, Christopher and Jonathan - to Canobie Lake Park but the sky didn't look so good and we collectively decided an indoor activity was a better idea. So off to Weirs Beach to the Fun Spot. On the way we stopped for lunch at the 99 restaurant. Then we went to the Fun Spot it was so packed that we needed to wait for over an hour to bowl - that was what Jonathan wanted to do there. After we spent tons of money we stopped by Granny and Gramps house for a quick visit and to get free dinner - LOL don't tell them - if they ask we stopped just cuz we love them. We drove home from there in the pouring rain and lightning storm. The sky was lighting up like it was day time. On the 26th we had Jonathan's party. It was great - hot but great. Auntie Karyn, Madelyn and Megan were here first - yup FIRST. They were 30 minutes early for the party but they were technically 24 hours late for the pre-party prep. LOL The rest of the guests arrived - they were (in no particular order) Auntie Sa, Granny, Gramps, John, Michelle, Jacklin, Kailey, Nicole, Baby Justin, Neena, Uncle Bill, Renee, and Uncle Mike. We ate deli meats, calzones, macaroni salad, potato salad, pasta salad and a green salad, chips and cake with hoodsies (thanks Neena). The day was good and Jonathan got awesome gifts.