Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jonathan and Christopher keep me busy

So we had a house guest for the last two nights.  Kaylie Glidden came  to stay last night and Sunday night.  She even enjoyed a trip to the doctor's office.  Christopher woke up with a croupy cough on Monday morning.  Then today I had to drop her off earlier than expected because Jonathan had an asthma attack during the night and I could not get his breathing and coughing under control.  So he went to the docs today and got jacked up on all sorts of steroids.  SOOO very exciting is the life of Dawn.  In other news, we are using some of our tax money to freshen up our kitchen.  Gramps and I have a date for Sunday evening to go to Grossman's Bargain Outlet in Malden to shop for cabinets or cupboards is what I like to call them.  Anyway it is almost midnight and I have a long night ahead of me.  Smooches!

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