Wednesday, February 06, 2008

How funny are my kids?????

So a few posts back I said a farewell to a few of our family members. Molly and Suki have gone to live in their new homes. Molly left last Wednesday and Suki left on Sunday. Christopher and Jonathan have not noticed that they are not here. Not a word, actually on Saturday we were heading to MA and Christopher was hollering at all of us - "Don't let the cat out", mind you the cat had been gone for 4 days and he still didn't notice that the cat was not trying to escape. Gramps is coming to help me do some early spring sprucing up so to get ready I have been cleaning all those things that you only clean when you know that someone will be looking there. So yesterday I tackled the rug under the dining room table. Suki used it as his private lavatory. So yesterday morning my day began with cutting the rug into manageable pieces and putting it out to the trash - this rug being missing is what my children notice. About 3 hours after I cut the rug apart Christopher comes into the kitchen - um, MAAAA, what happened to the thing, you know the thing that was under the table. I say, the rug? Uh, yeah Ma, where is it? I say oh, I threw it away. He says oh and goes about his business. Now - how is that for observant?

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