Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cholesterol, ghosts and a Merry Christmas to all

I had a tough week and it seems to be not improving. Monday I got a call from my family doctor - Dr. Dan - he needed to talk to me about the blood work I had done the week before. Well my cholesterol came back bad, very very bad

CHOLESTEROL 275 (<200)->

TRIGLYCERIDE 185 (<150)->

HDL CHOLESTEROL 62 (41-59) mg/dl Good guy

LDL CHOLESTEROL 176 (<130)->

Very bad - only saving grace is that the good cholesterol was very good so he is gonna give me a chance to get it under control myself. Two ugly words - DIET and EXERCISE. Great news just before the week of feasting on foods that are so bad for you that you only eat them a few times a year. No cookies and pie for me. As a matter of fact I can't eat anything good at all.

On Christmas Eve we turned the tree lights on and they shut off by themselves. The ghost of my sister Kerri definitely hovers in my home. Steve investigated the situation and the box had shorted out and started to melt. Just what I want is a house fire when we are waiting for the fat guy to arrive. No I am not talking about the husband I am referring to Saint Nick.

Christmas morning was going very nicely until I noticed purple liquid dripping from the heat vent in the ceiling onto the boys new kitchen set. My brand new 300 oz tide fell off the dryer - which I was not doing laundry, BTW. On the way into the heat vent the detergent first went through my canvas scrapbooking bag that had what I was working on in it. Pictures, papers and my craft tools all covered in tide. Plus the laundry room floor was covered too. I sat on the floor and cried for a bit. Then Steve helped me clean off the pictures the best we could and laid them out to dry.

Last night I dug the bag out of the trash, sat on the floor and cut the bad parts of the papers off. I was able to save about 50 % of the stuff. Not exactly a fun Saturday night but I am getting old and boring.

Dad and the kids were here today. We had a nice visit and I beat up Mary again. I will add pictures later. I have to charge my battery before I can do anything.

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