Monday, September 22, 2008

Christopher's party

Uncle Fernando and the kids were in the jumpy thing while Gramps and Justin Jr were over on the swings. The store did not have Kung Fu Panda when we ordered the cake so we went with Care Bears! Christopher almost gave himself an asthma attack trying to blow out the candles. Bree and the rest of the Nichols girls loved the fruit salad that Michelle and John made. Jonathan was totally excited to get presents too. Maddie was not happy about sharing her time in the Jeep. This is a not so often seen smile on Daddy's face. We all had a great day. Almost everyone was very late. Michelle, John and the girls were here at 845 to watch the boys at soccer. They helped set up and John manned the grill. Auntie Sa and Uncle Nando brought potato salad. Neena brought Uncle Billy, Renee and a very expensive salad! Crazy! Kaylie stayed over so her dad Matt could get a tattoo - too bad the artist blew him off on Sunday. Auntie Nicole thought the party was at 2, so she was a little late along with Granny and Gramps. The Nichols tribe rolled in a little late but that was fine because the chicken and burgers were still frozen. Auntie Karyn helped make the meatballs and burgers on Friday and she strolled in the latest but we knew she would be late - bunny business you know!

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