Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Kids say the darndest things.

Last night, after we got home from a long day at the mall, I was online playing cars with Neena. Christopher came running from the kitchen and says - Uh Ma, we have a probwem. I say - what is that? C says - A red booger was stuckeded in my nose. I said, Let me get a tissue. C says - No, I got it out and it was stuckeded on my finger. I said, O k, I will get a tissue and clean it off. He says, No MAAAA, I already got it off. I said, well where is in then? He says, I wiped it on the floor. Of course, by now I am trying not to pee my pants laughing because he is so serious and I am so disgusted at the thought that there is now a red booger on my floor. He yells at me to stop laughing at him. I then made him bring me to the booger so that I could clean it off the floor.

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