Friday, September 14, 2007

Jonathan's 2nd head injury of the week

On Wednesday afternoon we went to get Christopher at school and while we were waiting for the doors Jonathan was running around. He was climbing up the stairs, running down the ramp and scaling the side of the wall using the railing for help. I asked him to stop that so he turned his attention to running up and down the other side of the building where the rocks are. I asked him to stop doing that too. Well, as he was running back to me he slipped on the sand and fell down on the pavement. I went over to pick him up and he was crying. I rubbed his head and told him he was fine because there was no blood. Well upon further inspection there was a hole in the back of his head. Now I panic. I get into school, go to the bathroom for a wet towel and start wiping his head. And I the hole was winking at me. Ms. Tricia came over to check on me and she thought I should have him looked at. I get outside, into the car and start dialing my cell. I called the doctor's office - they are usually very accommodating during my panic state - they told me that they were booked solid and to go to the ER. I called Steve and let him know. Then I called Karyn, it only took Alyssa 2 calls to answer me, but Karyn wasn't home. Then I lost it. Poor Alyssa had to figure out what I was saying through my hysterical tears. She says, I will find mommy. Karyn called within minutes and said that she would meet me at the ER. Thank heavens for Karyn!!!! While I was in triage Karyn got to the hospital. She could hear Jonathan crying from the waiting room, he was pissed that the nurse was touching him. He freaked out over the hospital band on his arm. We started to watch a movie in the waiting room when we were given a room. Doc came in, looked at the wound, said he was fine and was sending us on our merry way. Me being the panicking mommy said, don't you think he needs an x-ray. This is his second head injury in the last week, I really think that you may want to check him over better. She said that he looked fine and was showing proper emotions, crying when she touched him and being fine when she left him alone. I asked again and she said no. So off to Nicdonild's with Karyn and the boys for lunch. I figured it was the least I could do for her, she did come to my rescue. Thanks again Auntie Kawyn.

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