Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New TV

So as I have said before, our TV has been acting up lately. Turning itself on and off. Volume going all the way up or all the way down and sticking there. On Sunday it started running through all the channels, the volume was stuck all the way up and it would not shut off. So we went TV shopping. We walked the whole mall and checked out Best Buy and Sears. Then we had lunch at Bertucci's. We got home and Daddy started going stir crazy. He ended up going for a ride to Kmart and Walmart in Hooksett to see what they had for TV's. They had nothing, so he came home. I was actually grateful because our TV weighed 100+ pounds and I was sure that the new one was going to be just as heavy. Steve had hurt his back on Saturday - bending over the sink to look in the mirror he pulled something - try not to fall over laughing. I ended up ordering the TV online with Sears. Steve asked James from work to help him. Thankfully James agreed to help. I got him and Steve lunch today from McDonald's and got James an apple pie to say thank you. I did write him a thank you and Steve forgot to give it to him. Our new TV is great. Turns on when you push the button, doesn't turn itself up and down and certainly doesn't change channels on it's own whim. LOVE IT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...