Thursday, July 26, 2007

Jonathan's checkup today

Jonathan had his 3 year old check up today. He is 3 feet even and 30 pounds. He is in the 15th percentile for height and 34th percentile for weight. So he is short and fat, like I didn't know that. He hit all of his miles stones that are expected of a 3 year old except - he doesn't dress and undress himself and when walking up the stairs he does not alternate his feet. The doctor actually thought I was kidding when I said that he did not dress himself. He said to me, is that because you don't let him and I said ah no, if he has to potty he will stand in front of me dancing telling me - I gotta pee, I gotta pee. I told him that they are both lazy, I have to dress them both and I do try to make them do it themselves, but they are their father and don't like to do anything. We are not very concerned about his gross motor when it comes to his feet. I am just happy that he walks period - with the clubfeet and all.

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