Thursday, January 29, 2009


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Welcome Jordan Matthew

Justin and Nicole brought the newest member to our family. He was born January 6th at 948pm. He was 8 pounds 2.7 ounces.

Jonathan's new do

Jonathan is my guitar hero!

Daddy and the boys wrestling

Boys and the snow

Of course it took 20 minutes to get them ready for the snowy adventure that only lasted for about 10 minutes.
Me and the boys went to visit the Murphy family the Monday after Christmas. Well I actually needed to use my networking and phone skills to put in a wireless network. After a little coaxing on the phone with Linksys I got the network set up. The kids horsed around while I was working and Jonathan felt the need to be treated like a baby!

Christmas with Grampa and Grammy

Jonathan Fernando and Taylor Black Spidergirl Steve Mary's better side - lol Uncle Nando and his broken wrist A rare picture of Kristen We got together for dinner and presents. Grampa and Grammy bought the kids guitar hero and daddy has been addicted ever since. Mary and I did a little sisterly bonding - need to get copies of those pictures from Melissa. We had a nice day and the kids all played well - as usual.